Saturday, February 23, 2013


Foxygen is cool duo made up of Jonathan Rado and Sam France. The first song of theirs that I heard was "Make it Known," and let me tell you, it was swiftly made known to me that this would be my main listening material for winter break.

"Make it Known" is from their first album Take the Kids of Broadway. I heard some Rolling Stones here, some Doors there, but after a while, it became this sort of jumble (I mean this in the best way possible) of sounds that is not like anything else, except Foxygen, of course. I love how Foxygen slides across many decades of rock, which is actually something they've been getting a lot of crap about. But if we have this great history of music + the internet to access it so easily, why not draw inspiration from it?

 This song is from their most recent album, We are the 21st Century Ambassadors of Peace and Magic.  I love how it starts with this delicate, elementary sounding intro, and then takes a brisk turn to these dreamy vocals, and then somehow your back at the same place, except different. "San Francisco" exhibits one of my favorite aspects of Foxygen's music: it takes you on a journey of sorts.
Can we talk about their name?? How genius is it?


  1. Hi Sophie!
    I just saw you added me on Flickr! I just added you as a contact, too.
    I love your blog, photos, and ESPECIALLY FOXYGEN. I mentioned them on my blog, too ( and I'm seeing them play this Tuesday! I'm so excited!
    Anyways, I'm glad we share music tastes and such. Keep rockin'!

    1. Hey! aw thank you! That's so exciting- you'll have to tell me how they are live! I love your photos and blog, too! I can't figure out how to follow your blog though?

  2. Yeah and also, about getting crap for sounding like all these other older bands- like so what? They sound great, and so do The Velvets and The Doors, etc. And don't good artists copy, and great artists steal?
