I just got back from LA with my family and man, was it weird! I loved it!
sweater/blouse/whatever from nordstroms, thrifted dress, UO shoes |
I wore this to explore with my mom. I actually wear this outfit a lot, with different sweaters depending on the weather. I love comfortable fashion! This photo was taken across the street from a shop called The Dogshow which was one of my favorite finds of the vacation.
It was so beautiful! All sorts of funky clothes were strewn over pastel furniture and cool trinkets lay everywhere. In the middle, like a hip, purple nucleus, a violet decorated TV resided, and the owner lounged in front of it on a similarly colored couch. 16 and Pregnant was on. These photos barely give the ethereal experience any justice.
We did many other touristy things, like going to Universal Studios, or Grauman's Chinese Theatre, which I really enjoyed, but what I liked best was walking around (which actually proved to be more difficult than one would think- seems you have to drive to find anything ) and checking out these cool places along the way.